Monday, 25 February 2013

How to practice Pencil Sketch for beginners:

Practice Pencil Sketch for beginners

varying the pressure on the pencil
                        Any rendering in pencil looks attractive because of the use of light and dark shades. A thorough understanding of the various gradations or values is therefore important in practicing pencil sketch for beginners.

Some of the basic steps are

1) Varying pressure on the pencil:
                         This is the easiest method of shading. Rub a 2B or 4B pencil on paper to blunt the point. Without lifting the pencil, draw short lines, closely placed and vary the pressure to obtain gradation. The greater the pressure, the darker the shade you will get.

2) Varying the grade of the pencil:
                          Different values can be obtained by using different grades of pencils.

3) Repetition and overworking:
                                 In this technique you can create a variety of textured shades by repeating forcefully drawn short lines.

                    (i) Hatching - tiny slanted strokes drawn in a downward direction, a little more pressure and some repetition for a medium shade, Gradation from a light to dark tone.
Cross Hatching
                    (ii) Cross-Hatching : - This technique consists of drawing lines from different angles in such a way that they cross each other to create deeper shades. The more acute the angle, the greater the depth of the shading will be. Draw closely placed short slating lines and increase or decrease the pressure on the pencil to obtain the desired tone.There are three types of tones - light tone, middle tone, dark tone.

Practice Pencil Sketch for beginners

How to hold the pencil :
                       The writing position will be most commonly used for shading and sketching. But you will a certain amount of practice to be able to work in the under-palm position. It results in more forceful sketching and shading of portraits
                       Good sketching is of paramount importance as a base for good figure drawing.
                       Sketching can be done in many ways. A few of them are - Rapid sketching, Detailed sketching, sketching with light and shade, Sketching with minimum lines.

writing position
under-palm position
My work


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